Pokemon Yellow Review


In Pokemon Yellow you are a new trainer on your way into the Pokemon World. You have just received your first Pokemon, Pikachu and decide to go on the Pokemon Journey. Along your journey you will meet new trainers, friends, and Pokemon. There will be tough and difficult times on your way. It is your duty as a Pokemon trainer to keep going full steam ahead. Some goals in the game are to collect all 8 Gym Badges, become the Pokemon Champion, and catch all 150 Pokemon.

Pokemon Yellow is the 2nd Pokemon game in the first generation gaming line. It has vast improvements on Red & Blue. This game really focuses more on the TV show than the other versions. Things in the show have been included in Pokemon Yellow such as Team Rocket, Pikachu, and more. Pikachu now follows you around on your journey. Depending on how much he likes you he will show different emotions when you talk to him. The Gym Leaders are also more faithful to the TV show too. The graphics were improved greatly as the Pokemon look much more like their real selves.

Pokemon Yellow had a few differences from Pokemon Red & Blue that were already mentioned in the Version Differences page which can be found here.

I really liked this game a lot. I don't know which game I liked more out of Blue & Yellow. Yellow is more fun to me, but Blue was the first version I played. Regardless this version is more like the show and there is Pikachu following you around. This game has been rated better than Red & Blue by a bunch of top of the notch gaming sites. You should try it out and rate it for yourself.