Phone Numbers |
Trainer |
Location |
What the trainer tells you |
Mom |
New Bark Town |
Calls to tell you she bought you something and she is saving your money |
Professor Elm |
New Bark Town |
Calls you with important information |
Bill |
Goldenrod City |
Tells you when your Pokemon Box is full |
Blackbelt Kenji |
Route 45 |
Rematch |
Bird Keeper Vance |
Route 44 |
Rematch |
Bug Catcher Arnie |
Route 35 |
Calls to tell you Yanma are swarming, rematch |
Bug Catcher Wade |
Route 31 |
Rematch |
Camper Todd |
Route 34 |
Rematch |
Cool Trainer Beth |
Route 26 |
Rematch |
Cool Trainer Gaven |
Route 26 |
Rematch |
Cool Trainer Reena |
Route 26 |
Rematch |
Fisher Chris |
Route 42 |
Rematch |
Fisher Ralph |
Route 32 |
Calls to tell you Qwilfish are swarming, rematch |
Fisher Wilton |
Route 44 |
Calls to tell you Remoraid are swarming, rematch |
Hiker Anthony |
Route 33 |
Calls to tell you Dunsparce are swarming, rematch |
Hiker Parry |
Route 45 |
Calls to tell you Marill are swarming, rematch |
Juggler Irwin |
Route 35 |
Rematch |
Picnicker Erin |
Route 46 |
Rematch |
Picnicker Gina |
Route 34 |
Rematch |
Picnicker Liz |
Route 32 |
Rematch |
Picnicker Tiffany |
Route 43 |
Rematch |
Pokefan Beverly |
National Park |
Rematch |
Pokefan Derek |
Route 38 |
Rematch |
Sailor Huey |
Olivine City |
Rematch |
School Boy Alan |
Route 36 |
Rematch |
School Boy Chad |
Route 38 |
Calls to tell you Snubbull are swarming, rematch |
School Boy Jack |
National Park |
Rematch |
Youngster Joey |
Route 30 |
Rematch |